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Product cycles are becoming shorter and shorter, consumers are emancipating themselves, and markets are undergoing far-reaching changes. If you want to survive in the market, you need a culture of innovation.

How you awaken the creative potential of your employees and customers and sustainably integrate it into your corporate culture becomes a competitive factor. Enter new territory with exciting formats and results that will inspire your employees and customers! What are you waiting for?


  • Design Thinking

Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems, and develop innovative solutions to test as prototypes. It involves five phases - empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing - and is particularly useful for tackling problems that are ill-defined or unknown.                                                  With design thinking, teams have the freedom to develop breakthrough solutions. It allows your team to get behind hard-to-reach insights and apply a range of practical methods to find innovative answers.

  • LEGO® Serious Play®                                            LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP for short) is used in organizations, teams, and even with individuals to foster new ideas, improve communication, and accelerate problem-solving.                                                                                                                   With the innovative process or special type of facilitation technique, unique, sustainable, and practical solutions to complex problems are developed and immediately implemented. Major international companies such as EBAY, NOKIA, and MICROSOFT already use it to authentically formulate their brand identity, develop innovative ideas and strategies, support the formation of high-performance teams, or effectively accompany change processes.

  • Business Model Innovation                                                                                                                               A business model is a strategy that outlines how a company or organization will deliver value to its customer(s). In its simplest form, a business model provides information about a company's target market, the needs of that market, and the role that the company's products or services play in meeting those needs.                                                                                                                                                                         Business model innovation, then, describes the process by which a company adapts its business model. Often, this innovation reflects a fundamental change in the way a company delivers value to its customers, whether through the development of new revenue streams or distribution channels. Business model innovation enables a company to take advantage of changing customer demands and expectations.

  • Hackathon or Solution Lab


During a hackathon, interdisciplinary teams work together on relevant problems and innovative solutions. The aim is to increase motivation and creativity. The goal of the hackathon is the intensive examination of a specific topic or a concrete problem. It is important to deal practically with the solution or innovation and to develop a testable solution for customers. The teams have a limited amount of time (24 to 48 hours) to do this (timebox). Alternative solution ideas can also be voted on at the end.

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